Medication Adherence

Take Control of Your Medication

PatchRx is a patient-focused medication management service designed to support better medication adherence through better technology. Our smart pill bottle cap acts as a non-intrusive support tool to assist providers and our dedicated nursing team in providing the best care for you.

The Problem

How Non-Adherence Can Negatively Impact Your Health

Non-adherence to prescribed medication regimens for patients with is often associated with overall lower health outcomes, including increased hospital admissions, costs, and morbidity.
Just simple deviations in timing, dosage, frequency, or duration of medication can cause medical reactions, increased pain, and medication use disorders, and can ultimately lead to emergency care and beyond.

Increased risk of hospitalization

increased risk of disease progression

increased risk of drug interactions

increased risk of developing drug resistance or tolerance

higher healthcare costs due to increased use of medical services

The Solution

Maximizing your Medication Adherence

Our goal is to ensure that the health of the patients we support improves. When you are prescribed medication, taking it according to schedule is the most effective way to understand what the most suitable treatment is for you, personally. Our smart pill bottle cap, personalized support, and data-driven insights are designed to help you meet you health goals.

Smart Pill Bottle

Our smart pill bottle cap provides an easy-to-use system for medication management. The cap securely stores medication information to provide your care team with resources to determine the most effective treatments for you.

Personalized Support

A dedicated PatchRx nurse is available at all times to provide personalized support and answer any questions you have. The nurse works one-on-one with patients to ensure they are taking their medication correctly and understand the importance of adhering to their treatment plan.

Data-Driven Insights

PatchRx provides data-driven insights right back to you and your care team to support your health goals. Our system collects and analyzes data from your smart pill bottle cap to generate a comprehensive overview of your medication history: what works and what doesn't.

Compassionate Care

At PatchRx, we believe in providing the best care to our patients. Our services are designed with 'radical compassion' in mind, putting you first and helping you stay on track.

Patient Results

We’re focused on seeing patient results

Medical adherence is key to better health outcomes.

Better health outcomes
High efficiency
Satisfied patients
Positive feedback
Customer Stories

Don’t just take our word for it

"It puts me at ease. It makes me more aware and helps me manage my medication. I am punctual now. When introduced I said wonderful, I think I need that. It was very very easy to set up."



"I look forward to hearing from her [PatchRx nurse]. I really do...she is so supportive. Not just about the meds, but me as a whole person."



“The biggest thing about the [patch]cap device is it becomes an advocate for me... [it] made me much more conscious about how I take my medicine. Prior to the [patch]cap I let my pain set the frequency of my medicine. I can actually look at the doctor and say I am on schedule and it has taken me from an pain of 8 to a 5. It’s a quality of life issue. I feel supported.”



Frequently asked questions

We are dedicated to promoting better medication adherence for patients at pain management and psychiatric clinics.

What is the PatchRx mission?

At the core of our mission is the patient: we understand the complexities inherent within prescription treatment regimens, and provides personalized and compassionate support for each patient’s medication management journey.This company was founded in response to personal tragedy and hardship resultant from non-adherence, and an awareness of a growing need for more transparency and support in medication management.

Our mission is to reimagine the patient experience of taking a prescription medication through better technology and personalized care. In this process, we expect two things to occur: a gradual, positive shift in the culture surrounding medication use to become one of empowerment and transparency, and for future generations to think of hospitalizations and poor health outcomes resulting from medication nonadherence as an absurd notion.

We're happy you're here, we hope we can make a positive difference in your health.

What is Radical Compassion?

Radical compassion is one our guiding principles, meaning we operate with compassion towards others in an all-encompassing way - nothing is excluded. In the development of our product and the communications we have with patients and others, we utilize this inner imperative to change reality in order to alleviate the pain of others. This state involves a strong sense of social responsibility and a desire for common good.

In healthcare, we think it's imperative to truly improving patient care.

What are the benefits of using PatchRx?

PatchRx works with you and your provider to ensure you are being delivered the perfect care regimen for your health. Our trained nursing team works with you over the course of your care regiment to deliver you insight into how you're taking medication, how to reduce your pain or symptoms, and how we can work together to improve your overall health. Our goal is to help you think less about your health and provide you service and care to get you back to living your life as you want.

How does it all work?

Our smart pill bottle caps monitor when you take your medication and store that information securely which is then passed on to our nurses. Our nursing team is trained to use this information solely for your benefit, to provide you information on how you can live a healthier life. Our nursing team is also there to support if you do not feel your medication is adequately alleviating your symptoms or having unintended negative side effects. Think of us as a complimentary service to your provider.